Your Working WebsiteHave you ever thought of your website as your online office? When someone enters your office (or location), you have a system for greeting them, obtaining their contact information and answer any questions. With the right planning, your website can accomplish the same things.


  • How do you obtain contact information? Give something away…have some type of trial offer, an eBook, a coupon or a white paper. When visitors request this information, you email it to them and now you have their email address. This will allow you to keep in touch with them.
  • Can your website visitors talk to you? Consider a Chat to Talk feature. Just remember to make sure someone is available to respond.
  • Does your content explain the types of customers you work with and how you can help them? Many websites talk about the business and how wonderful they are. When a visitor doesn’t understand how you can help them, they’ll quickly move on.

Take a look at your website and make sure it is working for you and not just a business card on the internet.

1 Comment

  1. Donna

    Good article ,Deb. Also enjoyed the newsletter. Donna Gallagher

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